The Spazi Arte Gallery of Piacenza and the Galleria Ducale of Vigevano dedicated two personal exhibitions to Cassinari. His works were also exhibited at many collective exhibitions: in Sondrio (Arte a Milano 1946-1959, reale, concreto, astratto, organized by M. Corgnati), at the Palazzo dei Diamanti in Ferrara (Milano 1950-59, il rinnovamento della pittura in Italia, about the renewal of Italian painting, organized by F. Gualdoni), at Casa Moretti in Cesenatico (Cercatemi in giardino, gli orti dell’anima da Pascoli ai crepuscolari), at the Permanent of Milan (Stanze del paesaggio lombardo) and finally at the Modern Art Gallery of Bologna (Arte italiana, ultimi quarant’anni, pittura iconica, about the iconic painting of the last forty-years period). The exhibition La collezione Boschi-Di Stefano was mounted at the Pavilion for Contemporary Art in Milan and there Cassinari’s following works were exhibited: Profughi spagnoli (Spanish Refugees), Due Profughi spagnoli (Two Spanish Refugees), Il tavolino nero (The Small Black Table), La pianista (The Pianist) and Nostalgia del mare (Nostalgia for the sea).

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