The Milanese editor and printer De Tullio published a booklet containing thirty-five etchings and aquatints, whose introduction was written by Marco Rosci; in the same year the printers Castiglioni-Colombo of Verona published Ezra Pound’s Francesca ragazza di bottega ed altre poesie, which was illustrated by Cassinari with two etchings. Other Cassinari’s personal exhibitions were presented at the castle of Lerici and at the L’Arcobaleno Gallery of Cosenza.The exhibitions Corrente thirty years after held at the Cultural Centre La Melagrana of Milan and Fifty paintings of a private collection 1930-1945 (Della Ragione collection) mounted at the Rizzoli library aimed to study the generation experiences of the so-called Corrente artists in depth. Together with Guttuso and Morlotti he exhibited his works at the Annunciata Gallery of Milan and at the Gissi Gallery of Turin.
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